ArduinoBT using the CALL function

hi bigengineer!

that thread is a great help. thanks!
But could you please confirm, that your SET-request program works on a standard configured arduinobt board?
On my board I see "+++SET+++" when starting the SET request. So the escape sequence is ignored and I don't get feedback.
Could you also confirm, that on an original configured arduinobt board, the escape seqeuence is enabled? I'm really wondering here, because in the arduinobt init sktech it says "SET CONTROL ESCAPE - 00 1" which means no escape sequence is enabled accroding to the iWrap user manual.

You are right, you have to change the SET CONTROL ESCAPE. You can use the init sketch for it. You can also put in the setup() loop, but then you always have to wait for the delays.

Even when I'm direct (serial-usb) connected to the Bluegiga chip I don't get an output with "SET".
(And I also ran the Init Sketch to reset all original settings - just to be shure)
Maybe I screwed some setting up... (the ECHO command setting seems ok :wink: )

Strange, I have never tried it that way. But I think it should work. Do you get any respons from the BT? After a reset for instance?

Could someone please post the default output of the "SET" comand on arduinoBT?
I think this would be very good for the arduinobt documentation page.

How is this helpful you think? It only outputs some of the parameters.