autonomous pick and place

I wanted to build a automatic controlled pick and place robot i.e. it can see the object identify it from other objects and pick the object and go to place where the object can be place all this process it have to do its own so can you give me the suggestions for how to start it means what components should I use and also need help for code

waiting for your suggestions


waiting for your suggestions

Buy a few motors and servos and learn to control them.

"see the object identify it from other objects "
Will need a more powerful processor than an 8 bit, 16 MHz AVR to do that.
You could have the AVR control the robot, and have something more powerful do the visual part.
For example, modify the control box to have Arduino control this arm. Add a lightweight camera to the end that a Raspberry Pi can monitor, identify an object, and tell the Arduino to pick it up and move it to a location.

Is it possible to control the robot and identify of the object can be done with only one arduino

Is it possible to control the robot and identify of the object can be done with only one arduino

I suppose this might be "possible" but it certainly wouldn't be practical.

Which method will be less complex with point of view of software and hardware

  1. only one arduino used for controlling and identify process
  2. a arduino for controlling and raspberry pie for object identification

And which one will be easy

How to implement the above methods

And which one will be easy


How to implement the above methods

It's hard to believe these are serious questions.

It sound's like your very new to this sort of stuff and building and programming an autonomous pick and place machine is not a beginner's project.

I suggest you start with some simple motor control projects. You can also experiment with machine vision. As suggested by CrossRoads, the Raspberry Pi is capable of machine vision.

In a couple years you may have learned enough to attempt your pick and place machine.

Ok suggest me any book, notes or any other material that could help me to learn the arduino and above mentioned things and also the coding

Start with the Learning section, follow the examples for controlling a stepper motor, as I think most robotic arms use stepper motors. (maybe servos for light objects?)
Books - many exist:

You need to learn/understand the basics to start, get some of the examples in the IDE working with components you wire up.

Start playing with OpenCV in Python and get a feeling for how hard it is to identify objects!
You'll want to add prominant simple geometrical and colourful tags on your objects to help
with identification and orientation.

The easiest way to start is probably with overhead camera and 2D rectangular objects - this is
computationally feasible without months of study(!).