Any fans in Singapore?

Hey guys,

Sorry I have distracted lately (got obsessed by 3d printing) and havent been checking the forums.

BillHo is right, there are those 2 suppliers. Not sure if any more sprang up tho.

Kopiohh, yes I have gotten stuff from both Robots R Us and SgBotics. Both are very customer oriented. Sometimes you might have a little better offer from one or the other, so it pays to check both prices before you buy.

Intially I bought 3 Unos because I wanted to make sure I could start with something reliable. But soon I found that making your own boards is much easier than it sounds, waaaay cheaper, and much more fun/satisfying. About the biggest cost would be the Atmega, and that is about 6 bucks? I think you can make your own extra boards for $8 to 10 easily.

After u get your first board, had so much fun that you want to make more stand alones, I can point u in the right direction.
