Menu for Display

Thanks Oliver, I will tell this to my friend that is project the hardware :slight_smile:

So, just to be sure that I've develop the code with "awareness" I report to you how I've implement my code i'd like to know from your stand point and experience if I've wrong did some errors and have lose precious memory ... Yestarday after a lots of hour of code I've tried with ATMEGA328PU was like size but was not working. Then I've tried with ATMEGA2560 and was working without problem....

For the menu standpoint:

  • I've try to design a menu with the element in the same position in special way for the label, in this way I can instance only one time the object and call it without loose a lot's of space.
  • Where possible I've re-use the function passing parameter in order to re-use everything without any problem.

From the other code-stand point:

  • I've try to do a general procedure where possible in order to re-use everything and just call the procedure with different parameter and use less global variable in order to save the space ...

So, if you have suggestion or tip please kindly let know,

So, from the display stand point unknowing all the library but just using it i don't know if are possible more optimization :slight_smile:

how ever thanks for the support and patience :slight_smile:
