Cosa/Boosting LCD 1602 performance (7X SR4W, 6.5X 4-bit parallel, 1.7-2.3X I2C)


Your math is way off here.

:blush: :blush: :blush:
Thanks for the correction, I updated my post and striked through the faulty math.

Still I like to think of it in time/char as a frame/time is dependant on the size of the frame where time/char is not.

That is why I wrote LCDiSpeed to report timing 3 different ways:

  • per byte, which is not dependent of frame size
  • per frame, which is dependent on frame size. (reported in both FPS and actual time)
  • per "iFrame" which is what the frame time is on a 16x2 display regardless of the actual size of the display in use.

That way you get what ever you want/need.

--- bill