Digital imput via arduino to processing

blinkink screen with it :
void loop() {
if ((digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW) || (digitalRead(switchPin3) == LOW)) { // If switch is ON,
Serial.print(0, BYTE);
} else if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH) {
Serial.print(1, BYTE);
} else if (digitalRead(switchPin3) == HIGH){ // If switch is ON,
Serial.print(2, BYTE);
} else {
Serial.print(0, BYTE);

You want help enough to make scrolling messages in all caps, right?

Well can you answer this ...

You have two switches, switchPin and switchPin3. Now can you explain under what circumstances you conceive that his line of code will be executed?

    Serial.print(0, BYTE);

(the last one, not the first one)

Also can you explain when you think that it will execute this:

    Serial.print(2, BYTE);

Let me give you a hint. Do a truth table. There are four possible combinations:


Now look at your code and see what path will be taken for each of those.