LCD_screen Library Suite

Obsolescence Notice

The Serial_LCD Library Suite was designed for 4D Systems screens on serial SGC mode.

4D Systems has launched new screens and a major update of its Workshop 4 IDE with an outstanding feature: ViSi-Genie. ViSi-Genie provides a graphical environment to design a user interface in just a couple of minutes.

The new serial connection SPE2 mode is not compatible with SGC, making the Serial_LCD Library Suite obsolete. 4D Systems provides new libraries for the Arduino, PixAxe, Raspberry Pi, Pascal and C platforms.

Workshop 4 IDE with ViSi Genie
Libraries for SP2 serial connection GitHub repository
• Serial_LCD Library Suite reference and maintenance on a case by case basis


Can the PmmC file not be updated on these new ones to turn it into a serial salve device like before so we can still use your library?