Arduino MEGA e Adafruit serial camera


nell'esempio scrivono questo

// With the Arduino Mega, the choices are a bit more involved:
// 1) You can still use SoftwareSerial and connect the camera to
// a variety of pins...BUT the selection is limited. The TX
// pin from the camera (RX on the Arduino, and the first
// argument to SoftwareSerial()) MUST be one of: 62, 63, 64,
// 65, 66, 67, 68, or 69. If MEGA_SOFT_SPI is set (and using
// a conventional Arduino SD shield), pins 50, 51, 52 and 53
// are also available. The RX pin from the camera (TX on
// Arduino, second argument to SoftwareSerial()) can be any
// pin, again excepting those used by the SD card.
// 2) You can use any of the additional three hardware UARTs on
// the Mega board (labeled as RX1/TX1, RX2/TX2, RX3,TX3),
// but must specifically use the two pins defined by that
// UART; they are not configurable. In this case, pass the
// desired Serial object (rather than a SoftwareSerial
// object) to the VC0706 constructor.

e suggeriscono questa configurazione

// On Mega: camera TX connected to pin 69 (A15), camera RX to pin 3:
SoftwareSerial cameraconnection = SoftwareSerial(69, 3);

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