PID control card


i'm new to the arduino.. and programming in general. i just recently purchased my first arduino UNO :slight_smile:

a project thats interests me alot is PID calculations and want to build something to play around with this.
i was wondering if anyone has built anything similar to this?
a PID card with 3 potentiometers for tunning each parameter gain on the fly.

inputs would be:
-(0 to 5V) analog input
-(0 to 5V) analog input for PID calculation

  • pot. for P_parameter
  • pot. for I_parameter
  • pot. for D_parameter


  • (0 to 100%) PWM



there was a guy that made a library for pid control

im not too familiar with it, but perhaps it can help you.

A PID controller would be a good idea to build regardless someone did it a thousand times or not :wink:
One more thing, besides the three nobs, you need a reset button to reset the integral :slight_smile: