Advanced LED Belt Kit Sketch

Might someone be able to point me to a sketch for the Advanced LED Belt Kit that would
run on an UNO using pins 2,3 on a 160 LED strip?

I've tried a number of mods to the existing code but it runs very strangely.

Many thanks,



I have tried to run this program on an UNO. Sorry to say it just doesn't have the capability to run 160 LEDs and the program. I have had 60 odd running but the transitions in the code make it very jumpy. It will run the "led belt kit" sketch but it does start to struggle after about 200 LEDs from memory.

I got around it by using an arduino mega. They are great. But even that struggles with some of the transitions with 402 lpd8806 LEDs hanging off of it.

I hope this helps you out big fella
