What is the pin number for Arduino Micro TX1 line?

The blink example uses a pin number of 13 for the IO13 signal that is connected to the on board green LED. I learned accidentally that the RX1 pin is 17. It is connected to the RX LED.

What is the pin number connected to the TX LED ?

The blink example uses a pin number of 13 for the IO13 signal that is connected to the on board green LED. I learned accidentally that the RX1 pin is 17. It is connected to the RX LED.

What is the pin number connected to the TX LED ?

The schematic doesn't answer the question. If I'm missing something, explain why the RX LED physical pin 8 uses the logical pin number 17.

I assumed it has to do with the logical name of the pins. i.e. IO13 is the green LED is logical pin 13. That seems straightforward for the green LED but I can't find that sort of logic on the RX and TX LED lines.

It might be worth giving us the exact board name of your Arduino. For example, on all my Arduinos, the TX/RX LEDs are driven by the USB-to-Serial chip.

Edit: Whoops, didn't check the posted schematic.

From the schematic, it looks to me that the Tx LED does not correspond to any Arduino pin, but you can control it using direct port access. It is PORTD bit 5.

The direct port access works well for me and thanks. This turned on the TX LED a.k.a. PD5 on the schematic.

DDRD = B00100000;