My TinyTiles have arrived! Firmware Bootloader Failing!


Just received my tinyTILE from MCM as well. It has been a long wait!

I am using Arduino IDE 1.6.11 with BSP 1.0.7.

Following the instructions on the enclosed packet, generated a bunch of orange error messages in the bottom window. However it also stated that I needed to choose the:

Arduino/Genuino 101 Firmware Updater as the programmer under the Tools tab.

I also was instructed to select Burn Bootloader i=under the same Tools tab.

After doing this I was able to upload the accelerometer sketch, the battery level monitor sketch and my own imu/ble sketch example code from my projects:


So I can confirm that I am getting accelerometry reading over BLE as well.

I wish you luck!

As this board is a "miniaturized" 101 I can't think of a better place to ask questions. My plans are to develop with the 101 then deploy with the tinyTILE!

Make links not silos!