MLX90620 / MLX90621 - 16X4 pixel IR thermal array

Hi all
I am trying to communicate using SPI protocol between two arduino uno boards. I have writthen a very simple code to transfer a single character from master. The code is as following

#include <SPI.h>
#include "pins_arduino.h"

void setup (void)

void loop (void)

digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); // ensure SS stays high

SPI.begin ();

delay (5000); // 5 seconds delay to start logic analyser.

// enable Slave Select
digitalWrite(SS, LOW); // SS is pin 10

// send test string
SPI.transfer ( 'c');

// disable Slave Select
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);

// turn SPI hardware off
SPI.end ();

while (1); //loop

Please correct the code if its not right. And I really want to know that how to recieve that character on arduino uno in slave mode. There is a command SPI.transfer() to send data on SPI where as I haven't seen any command to recieve it.

Thanks and regards

Hi, wrong topic...


anyone who can tell me if i should use the 60° or 40° FOV??
And should i need a Lens?

Thanks a lot.

Cu kami

it depends on your intended application, and which one you can find (I was looking for the 40° version but futureelectronics had only the 60° one, so I bought that...)