Digital RGB LED Strip + Bluetooth modules

Unlike loop() on the Arduino, draw() is not called as fast as possible. There is a frame rate that determines when the next call to draw() happens.

I don't think that the problem involves the amount of data being sent. Rather, it involves how often data is sent.

Look at the Processing documentation for frame rate. Or, create a while loop in draw() to send more data per invocation of draw().

Thank you both, but the problem isn't the low frameRate.
In fact, I can esclude the "draw" and do

void setup()
while (true) myPort.write((byte) (int)random(16));

But I can say that it surely doesn't go over 3-4 fps.

EDIT: Tried with this

while (true)
    myPort.write((byte) count);
    if (count==16) count = 0;
    else count++;

and the FPS turns out to be exactly 4 (16 pixels updats in 4 seconds).