A function to handle multiple datatypes

C/C++ hasn't been my primary programming language in recent years and the strict aliasing issue has evaded me. I not sure if I understood it correctly. There are plenty of standard C functions which have void * parameters, such as memset, memcpy, read, write, etc. Does the strict aliasing rule mean the code below is not valid any more?

 typedef struct {
    int a;
    char b;
  } my_struct;

  my_struct foo;
  my_struct bar;
  char buffer[sizeof(my_struct)];

  foo.a = 42;
  foo.b = 'a';
  memcpy ((void *)buffer, (const void *)&foo, sizeof(my_struct));
  memcpy ((void *)&bar, (const void *)buffer, sizeof(my_struct));

If the code above is valid, is there then something fundamentally wrong with the code below?

void sendAnything(const byte *value, unsigned int size)
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
sendAnything((const byte *)&MyInt, sizeof(MyInt));

These were meant to be sincere questions, not intention to reignite the argument :smiley:

edit: typos