U8glib: Graphics Lib for LCDs and OLEDs


Hum...I think I have the same screen (the one on the right) but I can't make it work.

I'm actually not sure what it is :grin:

Here is a link to the ad: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-Yellow-blue-double-color-and-white-128X64-0-96-inch-OLED-LCD-LED-Display-Module/32276417609.html

And here are my connections:

I (mainly) tried the U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 definition. With no luck (screen remains completely black when I upload the logo sketch) :frowning:

I saw there might be problems with the Uno (!?). I have a nano & a Pro Mini on end: would I be more lucky with these?

Also, I didn't put pull ups but I thought the screen would at least flickers without them, wouldn't it?

EDIT: The resistors on the back of the screen indicate it's a 4SPI.