i2c on a gyro

hi everyone i try to program my RM-G146 chip with acce, gyro and magnetometer and this is my code...i only tried to get data from my accelerometer but my ouput is always zero... and i dont know whats wrong... please help...this is the device http://www.roboard.com/G146.html
#include "Wire.h"
#define gyro_addr 0xD0
#define magne_addr 0x3C
#define acce_addr 0x30

void setup()

void getdata_gyro()

void getdata_acce(byte *a, byte *b)


Wire.requestFrom(acce_addr, 2);
*a = Wire.receive();
*b = Wire.receive();

void getdata_magne()

void loop()
byte aa, bb; //variables for storage

getdata_acce(&aa, &bb);

Serial.print("a= ");
Serial.print(aa, HEX); //prints the value of aa
Serial.print("\n b=");
Serial.print(bb, HEX); //prints the value of bb

Wire.endTransmission returns a status value of the send. '0' is success. Anything else is an error. That should give you a place to start troubleshooting. Try something like this:

byte rtnVal = Wire.endTransmission();

It looks like you're using the 8 bit I2C addresses for the device, when using Wire you need to use the 7 bit address only. Divide each of the addresses by 2 and use those numbers.