avr-g++ error

I have the problem that when I try to download anything to my Mega 2560 it says "avr-g++ avr-g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory" i just downloaded arduino 1.0.1

i just downloaded arduino 1.0.1

Do it again. Odds are high the download is corrupt.

The second most likely culprit is that you did not extract everything from the ZIP file.

The third most likely culprit...

I have the problem that when I try to download anything to my Mega 2560 it says "avr-g++ avr-g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory" i just downloaded arduino 1.0.1

http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,118440.0.html <-

I was using vista and i had just downloaded 1.6.8 IDE .It displayed the same error a bunch of times >:( but then after i reinstalled 1.0.5 IDE directly in local disk C it worked absolutely fine :slight_smile: .
Hope this helps you out guys. :slight_smile:

I hope that not OP has not been waiting 3 years to solve the issue :wink: