Experiment - split up analog read in 3 steps

Can't recollect if I seen any such examples, that working with interruption Conversion Complete. It looks like concept to get maximum quantity samples is not correct from the bases, even such software exist, and definitely would provide the biggest numbers, BUT. Continue my line of thoughts, that Timing Start Conversion is most critical part, ( quality of samples, not the quantity, BTW, why do I need to sample temperature 9.6 ksps?), it make more sense to define specific sampling frequency let say 8 kHz, than try to squize something that would be hard to predict. AFAIK, timing to serve ISR is not strictly defined, so application that provide max numbers of samples via ISR_ADC_vect would have unspecified sampling rate.
There is an other example, which has specific sampling rate, and not pulling ADC waiting results.