Attiny projects?

So my question is, does anyone have an example project posted?

I've seen a few write-ups but they are all "general purpose". These are good examples...

I'm planning on buying a few next time I make an order

Lately, my favorite processor is the ATtiny85. It has enough memory to do interesting / complicated things but is physically small enough to squeeze into tight spaces. The big drawback is the limited number of I/O pins.

My second choice is the ATtiny84.

and I'm wondering if they use the internal oscillators or if they are programmed to run an external.

I've done both. The internal oscillator can be calibrated to (usually better than) ±1% which is good enough for everything I've done so far.

There is some information available here...

I am very happy with the Pololu AVR Programmer. It has served me well...