Stepper motor, doesn't turn counter clockwise, wrong steps number indication

Hello everybody!

I'm new and it's my first topic. Hope I'm gonna make it right.

I just bought a kit to start with Arduino. You can see it here:

I got through some of the cool things inside. But the stepper motor is still a mastermind....

Basically I have two problems: It doesn't want to turn anti-clock wise and it has apparently many more steps than indicated!!!

I tested it with different prefabricated examples so problems wouldn't come from my coding. Basically MotorKnob and stepper_oneRevolution which are both predefined in the Arduino IDE.

I will here only speak on the basis of stepper_oneRevolution. When I upload it (indicating 64 steps in the code), the motor doesn't turn in one direction and then in the other. Instead it goes from about 1/8 of the distance, always in the same direction. So:

  1. it never go backward, all the clockwise and counter clockwise move go in the same direction.
  2. Instead of using 64 steps and make a 360° rotation, it makes only a 1/8th of it, which represent a 45° rotation.

Videos will follow.

I don't understand how this is possible, and if somebody already encounter such a problem. What can I do at least to know the amount of steps in my stepper???


It appears to be a 64-step (5.625 degree) stepper with a 1:64 gearbox making it 4096 steps per revolution.

How is it wired?

The motor itself is 64 steps per rotation, but the gear reduction ratio of 1:64 makes it 4096 steps per rotation of the output shaft.

The 4096 is sometimes not quite right. There have been a lot of reports of inaccuracy in the gearing; it's what you get for $5 :wink:

Failure to go in either direction: either a winding isn't getting power or you are failing to sequence the motor correctly.

Schematic? Sketch?

I had a similar problem using the 28BYJ-48 5V motor, it would only travel clockwise.

I have modified the library as well as the sketch to overcome the direction issue and to add a new feature.
The new feature is Half step mode which has 8 steps rather than 4
I also adjusted the 4 wire step sequence which I believe solved the direction issue

Only just joined the forum so not sure how best to share this info, so i have added the details into this post

There are 2 files below, the stepper.cpp updated file will have to be posted separately owing to size limits.
You will probably want to make copies of your existing stepper.h and stepper.cpp for safety at this point.
Then copy the text between the scissor marks and save the first as stepper.h in your library folder
The last file is the sketch.

-------------- start of stepper.h ------------------------------------------------------------>
Stepper.h - - Stepper library for Wiring/Arduino - Version 0.5

Original library (0.1) by Tom Igoe.
Two-wire modifications (0.2) by Sebastian Gassner
Combination version (0.3) by Tom Igoe and David Mellis
Bug fix for four-wire (0.4) by Tom Igoe, bug fix from Noah Shibley
Add Half Step mode (0.5) by D Traynor

Drives a unipolar or bipolar stepper motor using 2 wires or 4 wires

When wiring multiple stepper motors to a microcontroller,
you quickly run out of output pins, with each motor requiring 4 connections.

By making use of the fact that at any time two of the four motor
coils are the inverse of the other two, the number of
control connections can be reduced from 4 to 2.

A slightly modified circuit around a Darlington transistor array or an L293 H-bridge
connects to only 2 microcontroler pins, inverts the signals received,
and delivers the 4 (2 plus 2 inverted ones) output signals required
for driving a stepper motor.

The sequence of for fullstep control signals for 4 control wires is as follows:

Modified from the original 1010, 0110, 0101, 1001 - since my motor would not reverse

Step C0 C1 C2 C3
1 0 0 1 1
2 1 0 0 1
3 1 1 0 0
4 0 1 1 0

Added this 8 step sequence for halfstep control for 4 control wires as follows:

Step C0 C1 C2 C3
1 1 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 1 0
6 0 0 1 0
7 0 0 1 1
8 0 0 0 1

The sequence of controls signals for 2 control wires is as follows
(columns C1 and C2 from above):

Step C0 C1
1 0 1
2 1 1
3 1 0
4 0 0

The circuits can be found at


// ensure this library description is only included once
#ifndef Stepper_h
#define Stepper_h

// library interface description
class Stepper {
// constructors:
// Additional parameter for the modulo count
Stepper(int number_of_steps, int motor_pin_1, int motor_pin_2, int mod_count);
Stepper(int number_of_steps, int motor_pin_1, int motor_pin_2, int motor_pin_3, int motor_pin_4, int mod_count);

// speed setter method:
void setSpeed(long whatSpeed);

// mover method:
void step(int number_of_steps);

int version(void);

void stepMotor(int this_step);

int direction; // Direction of rotation
int speed; // Speed in RPMs
unsigned long step_delay; // delay between steps, in ms, based on speed
int number_of_steps; // total number of steps this motor can take
int pin_count; // whether you're driving the motor with 2 or 4 pins
int step_number; // which step the motor is on

// motor pin numbers:
int motor_pin_1;
int motor_pin_2;
int motor_pin_3;
int motor_pin_4;

// Used to indicate the number of steps in each sequence
int mod_count;

long last_step_time; // time stamp in ms of when the last step was taken

<------------------------ End of stepper.h ------------------------------------

------------------------- Start of Sketch -------------------------------------->
Stepper Motor Control - one revolution

This program drives a unipolar or bipolar stepper motor.
The motor is attached to digital pins 8 - 11 of the Arduino.

The motor should revolve one revolution in one direction, then
one revolution in the other direction.

Created 11 Mar. 2007
Modified 30 Nov. 2009
by Tom Igoe
Modified 19 Jan 2013
by D Traynor

#include <Stepper.h>

int step_mode = 8; // 4 = full, 8 = half

int stepsPerRevolution = 2048 * (step_mode/4) ; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution for your motor [DT use 2048]
// twice as many SPR for halfstep mode
int mysteps = 1 * stepsPerRevolution;

// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution,8,9,10,11,step_mode);

int coords[] = {-512,1024,256,-2048,512,256};

void setup() {
// set the speed at 60 rpm:
// initialize the serial port:


void loop() {

// step one revolution in one direction:

// This from the original example, used this to get things going (v0.5)
// Either uncomment the top half or the bottom depending on desired function

// step one revolution in the other direction:

// 2nd Example -> motor steps to the named points in the coords array
int i;
for (i = 0; i<6; i++) {
int point = coords*;*

  • Serial.println("Next point ");*
  • Serial.println(point);*
  • myStepper.step(point);*
  • delay(500);*
  • }*
    <------------------------------- End of Sketch -------------------------


here is the stepper.cpp file to go with the last post, remember to copy between the scissor lines. save this as stepper.cpp in your library
----------------------- Start of stepper.cpp ---------------------------------->
Stepper.cpp - - Stepper library for Wiring/Arduino - Version 0.4

Original library (0.1) by Tom Igoe.
Two-wire modifications (0.2) by Sebastian Gassner
Combination version (0.3) by Tom Igoe and David Mellis
Bug fix for four-wire (0.4) by Tom Igoe, bug fix from Noah Shibley
Add Half Step mode (0.5) by D Traynor

Drives a unipolar or bipolar stepper motor using 2 wires or 4 wires

The sequence for full step of control signals for 4 control wires is as follows:

Modified from the original 1010, 0110, 0101, 1001 - since my motor would not reverse

Step C0 C1 C2 C3
1 0 0 1 1
2 1 0 0 1
3 1 1 0 0
4 0 1 1 0

The sequence for halfstep for 4 control wires is as follows:

Added this 8 step sequence for halfstep control (v0.5)

Step C0 C1 C2 C3
1 1 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 1 0
6 0 0 1 0
7 0 0 1 1
8 0 0 0 1

The sequence of controls signals for 2 control wires is as follows
(columns C1 and C2 from above):

Step C0 C1
1 0 1
2 1 1
3 1 0
4 0 0

The circuits can be found at


#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Stepper.h"

/*two-wire constructor.

  • Sets which wires should control the motor.
    Stepper::Stepper(int number_of_steps, int motor_pin_1, int motor_pin_2, int mod_count)
    this->step_number = 0; // which step the motor is on
    this->speed = 0; // the motor speed, in revolutions per minute
    this->direction = 0; // motor direction
    this->last_step_time = 0; // time stamp in ms of the last step taken
    this->number_of_steps = number_of_steps; // total number of steps for this motor
    this->mod_count = 4; // default number of steps in a sequence (v0.5)

// Arduino pins for the motor control connection:
this->motor_pin_1 = motor_pin_1;
this->motor_pin_2 = motor_pin_2;

// setup the pins on the microcontroller:
pinMode(this->motor_pin_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(this->motor_pin_2, OUTPUT);

// modulo count is the No of control steps in a motor STEP sequence (v0.5)
this->mod_count = mod_count;

// When there are only 2 pins, set the other two to 0:
this->motor_pin_3 = 0;
this->motor_pin_4 = 0;

// pin_count is used by the stepMotor() method:
this->pin_count = 2;

/* constructor for four-pin version at FULL step

  • Sets which wires should control the motor.
  • New parameter 'mod_count' to cater for halfstep sequence (v0.5)

Stepper::Stepper(int number_of_steps, int motor_pin_1, int motor_pin_2, int motor_pin_3, int motor_pin_4, int mod_count)
this->step_number = 0; // which step the motor is on
this->speed = 0; // the motor speed, in revolutions per minute
this->direction = 0; // motor direction
this->last_step_time = 0; // time stamp in ms of the last step taken
this->number_of_steps = number_of_steps; // total number of steps for this motor
this->mod_count = 4; // default number of steps FULL STEP = 4 whilst HALF STEP = 8 (v0.5)

// Arduino pins for the motor control connection:
this->motor_pin_1 = motor_pin_1;
this->motor_pin_2 = motor_pin_2;
this->motor_pin_3 = motor_pin_3;
this->motor_pin_4 = motor_pin_4;

// modulo count is the No of control steps in a motor STEP
this->mod_count = mod_count;

// setup the pins on the microcontroller:
pinMode(this->motor_pin_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(this->motor_pin_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(this->motor_pin_3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(this->motor_pin_4, OUTPUT);

// pin_count is used by the stepMotor() method:
this->pin_count = 4;

Sets the speed in revs per minute
Added a safeguard minimum delay of 2mS, may vary for other motors
void Stepper::setSpeed(long whatSpeed)
this->step_delay = 60L * 1000L / this->number_of_steps / whatSpeed;
if (this->step_delay < 2) {
this->step_delay = 2; // if the delay is too small then the motor will stall (v0.5)

Moves the motor steps_to_move steps. If the number is negative,
the motor moves in the reverse direction.
Had to change the step sequence to get my motor [28BYJ-48] to reverse in full step (v0.5)
void Stepper::step(int steps_to_move)
int steps_left = abs(steps_to_move); // how many steps to take

// determine direction based on whether steps_to_mode is + or -:
if (steps_to_move > 0) {this->direction = 1;}
if (steps_to_move < 0) {this->direction = 0;}

// decrement the number of steps, moving one step each time:
while(steps_left > 0) {
// move only if the appropriate delay has passed:
if (millis() - this->last_step_time >= this->step_delay) {
// get the timeStamp of when you stepped:
this->last_step_time = millis();
// increment or decrement the step number,
// depending on direction:
if (this->direction == 1) {
if (this->step_number == this->number_of_steps) {
this->step_number = 0;
else {
if (this->step_number == 0) {
this->step_number = this->number_of_steps;
// decrement the steps left:
// step the motor to step number 0, 1, 2, or 3:
// or 4,5,6,7 for HALFSTEP mode (v0.5)
stepMotor(this->step_number % this->mod_count);


  • Moves the motor forward or backwards.
    void Stepper::stepMotor(int thisStep)
    if (this->pin_count == 2) { // 3 parts of the IF are mutually exclusive -> hence the addition of the ELSE
    switch (thisStep) {
    case 0: /
    01 /
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    case 1: /
    11 /
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    case 2: /
    10 /
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    case 3: /
    00 */
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    } else if (this->pin_count == 4 && this->mod_count == 4) { // (v0.5) allows distinction between full and half step
    switch (thisStep) {
    case 0: // 0011
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, HIGH);
    case 1: // 1001
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, HIGH);
    case 2: // 1100
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 3: // 0110
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    } else if (this->pin_count == 4 && this->mod_count == 8) { //(v0.5)
    switch (thisStep) {
    case 0: //1001
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, HIGH);
    case 1: //1000
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 2: //1100
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 3: //0100
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 4: //0110
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 5: //0010
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, LOW);
    case 6: //0011
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, HIGH);
    case 7: //0001
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor_pin_4, HIGH);

version() returns the version of the library:
int Stepper::version(void)
return 5;
<------------------------ End of stepper.cpp ----------------------------------

From your picture, your stepper motor looks suspiciously like the 28BYJ-48 unipolar stepper motor I bought on ebay (as a package with a ULN2003). I had a similar problem with it not turning backwards with the example code for stepper_oneRevolution.

It may be that your problem (like mine) was because the wires on the motor were not in the expected order. I had to order my stepper pins as 8, 10, 9, 11 rather than 8,9,10,11 when creating the stepper instance. This enabled the motor to go backwards and forwards as expected. You could try other permutations to see which work for your stepper. (connect 8,9,10,11 to in1, in2, in3, in4 on the ULN)

For the speed/revolutions per minute issue I found combinations with speed * revolutions = about 2^13 (i.e.8192) would work as this is used to calculate the delay needed for the stepper to move. The most accurate one for my stepper was speed = 4 (used for setSpeed) and stepsPerRevolution = 2048 as my stepper moved at about 4 revs per minute.

1 Like

The suggestions froin Zaplady and davidtraynor work for me with my cheap ebayed stepper motors.
Like Zaplady mine came with a ULN2003 driver board with LEDs.
These things can now get purchased for less than £2.00.
So, assuming complete accuracy and the funky cross over wiring isn't a problem then they look like a good tinkerer option.

As a side note. When I wired mine up first time and used the same sketch it went clockwise and anti-clockwise with no modifications. I then disconnected the driver and motor to test my second one and it would only go clockwise. Re-attached the original and it would only go clockwise as well.
So, strange behaviour but then for £2.00 each I expect some slight fun in getting them working.

Thank you Zaplady and david traynor.


Thanks Zaplady this solutionworked for me pins as 8, 10, 9, 11
Thanks again

It may be that your problem (like mine) was because the wires on the motor were not in the expected order.

First rule of wiring up motors - there is no expected order, you measure the windings with a multimeter.
The physically identical motor can have many variants with different windings, different colour codings,
its simply not worth the hassle of getting it wrong, always get out the multimeter when you have a new
motor in your hands. You also find out if a winding is damaged that way...

Here you also need to determine the sequence (which involves either trial/error or passing
a current to each winding by hand and observing the motor movement. If using trial/error there
are only 1/3rd of the possible sequences that work, note.

Thank you, ZapLady!!!!

Only just joined the forum so not sure how best to share this info, so i have added the details into this post


Welcome to the forum. Your code would be much easier to read (and use) if you used code tags.

If you read the post "How to use this forum - please read", you'll find instructions on how to do this. You can also see code tags by quoting a post which uses the tags.

I know it's old but....

I've got this error

invalid conversion from 'int*' to 'int' [-fpermissive]

on the line: int point = coords;

anyone know what is the problem?

I am new to this and I really need help!

Looks like a trivial error, try

int point = coords[i] ;

Actually the fault was the poster of that code didn't use code tags, so indexing by i
gets swallowed as markup, there may be other issues due to this.

I am new to this and I really need help!

My advice as you go forward and use this forum is not to copy three year old code from someone with 2 postings and who doesn't post using code tags.

Hi, Icitte

Welcome to the forum.

As advised, start a new thread with your problem and you should find some help.
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.,148850.0.html then look down to item #7 about how to post your code.
It will be formatted in a scrolling window that makes it easier to read.

Hope to help.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the information - it solved my issue.

The pin outs worked for the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor to give travel in both directions

And reducing the RPM to 4 worked.

I did some experimenting and found the max rpm I could get was 19 approx 38,000 steps per min.


Thanks, Replacing int 2 <> int 3
change wiring is helps

Another frustrating issues that can take days to resolve.
Here are a few issues I have been facing and the solutions I cam up with. I hope this helps others in long frustrations.

Stepper motor 28BYJ-48 12V with external power
ULN2003A drive

Challenge 1
ULN led lights blink, motor does not move.
Solution: reduce speed from 1 to 130 max.
if(speed > 130) speed = 130; //for safety

Challenge 2
Motor acts funny and does not move to right position regardless of the number of steps
Solution: loop around single step. It is slower but guarantee to work.
for(i = 0; i <= numOfSteps; i++) StepMotor1.step(1);

Challenge 3
Motor only goes clockwise no matter what.
Solution discovered in another forum post, interchange pin 2 with pin 3
Stepper StepMotor1(steps, Pin1, Pin3, Pin2, Pin4); //yet on board corresponding wires are sequential.

I had the same problem today and then I have found out that it helped me to use StepperMotor.h and .cpp library instead of build in Stepper.h ...

After using it it works great... But you probably need to google it (or I would provide it when I am on PC if you want to)...