Float and asin, computation problems

I am trying to use a sensor to measure angles of incline on a stationary, flat plane. When I try to convert the raw data to an angle, it doesn't work right. Angle results can range from +/- 30 degrees which is sent from the sensor as a value ranging from 0-2047. I have been given this equation:

angle = arcsin((SensorDataOutput - 1024))/1638

at the bottom of page 12 from my sensor's mfg data sheet:


My problem code looks like this:

float AxisData;   //Stores output value from sensor ranging from 0-2047
float Angle = asin((AxisData -1024.0)/1638.0);   //Uses mfg equation to convert to degrees
lcd.print(anglex,4);   //Prints conversion to lcd

So for example, the sensor sends a value of 837 to arduino. The equation converts this to -0.1144 degrees. The correct result would be -6.5554 degrees. On the arduino reference on floats, it suggests, to the best of my understanding, that a float can't exceed approximately 3.4. Is this a problem? Any ideas?

On the arduino reference on floats, it suggests, to the best of my understanding, that a float can't exceed approximately 3.4.

It says

Floating-point numbers can be as large as 3.4028235E+38 and as low as -3.4028235E+38.

That is 3.4 times ten to the power 38 to -3.4 times ten to the power 38,
So the biggest number is

asin(x) returns radians, not degrees - trig functions work in radians in all the math libraries I've ever seen.

Problem solved!1 radian = 57.2957795 degrees.

When I times that by the number outputted, -0.1144, it yields a result of -6.5546 degrees which is very close to what it should be. Thanks!

float Angle = degrees( asin((AxisData -1024.0)/1638.0) ); //Uses mfg equation to convert to degrees