New to Teensy 2.0

I just bought a Teensy 2.0.

I browsed Teensy USB Development Board The "Getting Started" was helpful but it was not geared toward the Arduino IDE. For example the instructions are to load WinAVR and how to use a MakeFile.
There are also answers of "How Does Teensy 2.0 Compare With Arduino?" but that is not part of "Getting Started". So that makes me think that it is not the preferred development platform.

Since the Teensy 2.0 uses the same processor as the Leonardo, can it use all the new features added to the Arduino environment?
Is the blog that is primarily targeted toward the Teensy 2?

Read the "teensyduino" section of the teensy site - that has the instructions for getting the IDE extensions you need installed.

I suspect you can't just call it a leonardo because the boot loader is probably not the same as the leonardo.

The teensy comes with a peculiar, and I believe proprietary, bootloader. I played with one awhile back and was only able to d/l a program to it with the included proprietary tool. I made several attempts at getting it to work as a leonardo (I was able to do so with a Adafruit 32u4 breakout), but was unsuccessful, including following the instructions on the teensy site... Of course, that was with version 1.0.0 of the IDE which others reported problems with the leonardo bootloader, so it is possible that it has been fixed with the latest release.

I think if you really want to use the Arduino IDE, you could flash the Leonardo boot loader on it, if you have a programmer.
You should also give WinAvr a shot, its pretty awesome once you get use to it.


Read the "teensyduino" section of the teensy site - that has the instructions for getting the IDE extensions you need installed.

I'm will aware of the instructions for using the Teensy with the Arduino IDE. I just said that I read the section "How Does Teensy 2.0 Compare With Arduino?" and that is found in the section you pointed out.

I suspect you can't just call it a leonardo because the boot loader is probably not the same as the leonardo.

The Uno and the LilyPad have different bootloaders, however, they can both use the "Serial" library, make calls to delay(), and do "analogWrite()". These are all functions that are included as part of the Arduino environment. If you have a Leonardo, functions like "" and "" are also include even though they are not available to the Uno. I wanted to know if the Leonardo functions, for lack of a better term, where natively available to the Teensy 2.0.

I think if you really want to use the Arduino IDE, you could flash the Leonardo boot loader on it, if you have a programmer.
You should also give WinAvr a shot, its pretty awesome once you get use to it.

I may do that. I am also looking at the AVR Studio. However, I am not able to just pop between several different IDEs without problems. I would like to settle on one and learn all the functions and capabilities. It may be that WinAvr is the best IDE platform. In which case, I can dump the Arduino environment and switch to that. I'm not to that point yet.