A new IMU which I'm thinking of calling openIMU

I have fixed the bugs in the pololu openIMU software. Be warned version two of the board works much better than version one. I have fixed some bugs in the razor version. Included is the calibration of the magnetometer.

The biggest part of this post is to announce that the general library has been finished. It will work with either a 6 or 9 degree of freedom (DOF) system. To use make sure that your coordinate is in the North East Down convention. The accelerometer must be measuring gravity as positive along the positive direction of the axes. As far as I know all MEMs accelerometers will need to have the sign negated for each axis to meet this criteria. The gyroscope measurements must be in radians per second. Included in the software is a calibration sketch for the compass. Skipping this calibration will almost certainly make the yaw measurement incorrect. Further than that if the complete soft and hard iron compensation procedure is used the results will be optimal. As they say in the text books that will be left as an exercise for the reader since it is not absolutely necessary for the filter to work properly. Coming soon will be an altimeter that runs off of a simple two state Kalman filter fusing the accelerometer and a barometer as well as more complete documentation. I attempted to make the example for the openIMU clear and easy to understand.

If anyone uses this on a different IMU board please post the code and I will include it in the examples. Also, thank you to the early adopters of this IMU port.