Eagle Soldermask / Silkscreen Problem

oracle : hum, might be interesting... A standalone led matrix... I'll try to do that for a next revision, but I plan on doing another one with a TLC5940 to have grayscale. As the TLC is available in SMD, I'll try to put it on the other side of the board, so that you have a side with only the leds, and the other with the chips. A square board ^^ I think I'll add the ATmega too, so that you can program it either with the AVRISP, or by using the FTDI bitbang mode with your actual arduino.
I'll tell you all when I've done some progress on this future rev. 2 ^^

michelef : thanks, I forgot about this page ^^ Anyway, I modified my package so that I don't have the symbol on the silkscreen, I'll add it by hand (all the LEDs are wired the same way... one symbol sould be enough)