how to connect to a bare board using a 168a pu?

just build a bare board with a atmega 168a- pu, cant seem to download a sketch to it, ive installed a bootloader

what board do i select ?
thank you

How are you connecting it to your computer to upload the sketch?

hi, im using a usb to ttl converter, pins are correct, ive tryed a few board options but cant seem to connect

Do you have the auto-reset functionality connected up, or are you pressing the reset switch at the right time?

yes im pressing a re-set switch at the right time

Is the oscillator for the chip running? I was having the same problem last night with a '328P, and it was one of the joints on my crystal needed resoldering.

yes everything is as it should be im using a resonator would it matter what board i selected?

Diecimila should work.

Are you sure you have the right bootloader loaded for the right frequency of resonator?

mmmmmm, not sure just selected the bootloader using a usbtiny programmer and away it went and did its thing XD

just build a bare board with a atmega 168a- pu, cant seem to download a sketch to it, ive installed a bootloader

what board do i select ?

Which bootloader did you install?

im not sure how can you tell? i just clicked the "burn bootloader"

OK, what hardware did you use to burn the bootloader? How did you connect it up?

hi nick
i used a usbtinyisp programmer placing the 168 in a uno board with the 6pin ribbon cable on the icsp pins

what board do i select ?

Assuming your bootloader burned OK, you select the board you chose, when you burnt the bootloader (eg. Arduino BT w/Atmega168).

one thing i have noticed, ive got 5v out of rdx, and tdx constantly i was expecting voltage only when downloading? is this ok

Async serial idles "high" on the Arduino. That is, +5V is normal, on both pins, if they are doing nothing. Mind you, it is the sending end that would be doing the idling. So, unconnected to anything, I would expect the Tx pin to be high, and the Rx pin to be low or not determined. But if you are using an FTDI cable, I would expect both pins to be high.

ive ordered a new usb to ttl converter, im sure its duff, the circuit is 100% and ive tryed it with known good ic's, ive also noticed the leds on the board tx, and rx flash very weak as well


ive got a new usb/ttl converter, still not working on the above 168 chip, but taken out the 168 and put in a 328 chip works fine, so the circuit is ok and converter is ok, ive tryed every 168 option ans still docent download, this is the error im getting, any ideas?

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xc0

Sounds like you burned a 328 bootloader into a 168 chip

thanks abrookfield, i will try to to burn a 168 again