Automatic reading of arduino values WEBSERVER

Hello there Terry,
Nice to chat again, thank you for your comments.

The dials are created in HTML5 with the various stroke commands, though I did not make them, but simply use them in the javascript.
The historical trending charts are done using Highcharts, (a lot of work to be done here yet).
I shall put together some info in the coming days then. But I am doing a lot of work on the offline web site at present which has a lot of information about the whole system. There are some issues with the javascript as it is on the server at present, I have some fixes to upload to the server tomorrow hopefully.

Also, note that if you use Internet Explorer < 9, you may get strange or no results. I run OSX and Ubuntu, so Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

Yes, I looked at your KSduino graphs today, they look like they work well, and probably without a lot of the pain and hair pulling I am going through. It is fun and I am using it to learn more.

Good idea about a new thread, I would be happy to participate with that.

P.S. remember I had my Arduino Mega fries by lightning, well I was happy to receive free replacements for both the fried Ether-Mega and Ether-Ten from Freetronics.

Sleep time now in Australia, 12:25am
Kind regards,