Academic Articles & Papers

This paper (A Model Proposed for Teaching Programming Languages: Robotic Programming) is my first academic work about Arduino.

Abstract: Computer programming is a problem solving and production process where different skills are executed simultaneously. Gaining the skills necessary for computer programming is possible in various schools and grades via either compulsory courses or voluntarily courses. Among the possible factors affecting the success in those tranings, students attitudes and perceptions toward the programming, adecuacy in computer (or information technologies) literacy and consistency of the selected programming language and goals of the training. One or more of these factors may both affect the success of students in programming and impede the application of those skills in other field. For example, independent from the programming language selected, programming can provide problem solving skills like logical thinking and algoritm construction, and analitic thinking abilities.

In this study, in order to provide programming skills, to make learning programming language easy, to raise motivation and increase the success of students, a model using robotic programming techniques is proposed. Robotic programming activities makes process of programming interesting, render teaching activities more meaningful and concerete for students, allow instructional methods based on new educational theories to be applied like competition and team working. It is thought that, robots which have been becoming cheaper and more accessible by the students in recent years will contribute to gain the skills necessary for programming.

Keywords: Robotic Programming, programming skills, teaching programming languages

Ersoy, H. Gülbahar Y. & Madran, O. (2011). A Model Proposed for Teaching Programming Languages: Robotic Programming. Akademik Bili?im Konferans?. Malatya: ?nönü Üniversitesi.

Original Paper (In Turkish) -