DuinOS: small and simple rtos

No, didn't renamed all the functions. Just the ones we think are more usefull here, in an Arduino Env. But, the other are available with their oiriginal names. And we added the macro taskLoop, whose code is the following:

#define taskLoop(name)\
void name##Function();\
xTaskHandle name;\
void name##_Task(void *pvParameters)\
void name##Function()

So, then you can use the macros like:

#define suspendTask(name) vTaskSuspend(name)
#define resumeTask(name) vTaskResume(name)

We also rewrote the delay(), wich is quite simple as well:

#define delay(ticks) vTaskDelay(ticks)

Regarding the heap, we are using model 1, because, to cut the RAM and Flash usage we don't allow tasks deletes. If you enable this functionality (easy, just a #define), you must use model 2, but we didn't test it yet. Model 3 does not make sense here, I think.

About the execution time, in our initial tests it seems to be quiet acceptable. By now, I can tell you that we compiled a few "standard" arduino examples (Comms, etc.) but with this kernel (so the main loop is a task), and they seems to be running without problems. But have to make more tests with a digital osciloscope about the timming.
That's what we are going to do this weekend!
