Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Jantje, thanks - I had the name of the folder .. /Arduino-extras/boards.. so this was the issue. Now I can compile, however eclipse shows:
Symbol 'Serial' could not be resolved
Method 'print' could not be resolved
Method 'println' could not be resolved
It compiles without error and I get hex files (hex not shown in Project Explorer).

But there is an issue which would be nice to fix - related to pins_arduino.c.
I am using (and maybe others as well) a special way how "pins_arduino.c" defines a set of various boards. To make the story short:

  1. in folder ..hardware\Arduino\cores\arduino there is "pins_arduino.c" which contains ie:
    #if defined(AVR_ATmega128)
    //* pin defs for SOC-Amber128 web serverboard
    #include "pins_amber128.cxx"

#elif defined(AVR_ATtiny45 )
//* pin defs for Avr attin45
#include "pins_attiny45.cxx"
2. in that folder there is a set of .cxx-es with respective boards pins definitions.
3. your setup attempts to compile everything with .cxx, .c in that folder which creates errors, of course.
4. so I had to remove all .cxx-es and create a single "pins_arduion.c" for the board of choice in order to compile the stuff properly.