RCSwitch library trouble

I am now officially addicted to controlling things over 315MHz and 433MHz using cheap antennas and store bought wireless outlets.

I purchased some additional wireless outlets and Wal-Mart yesterday ($14.98 for a 3 pack!). I ran rcsniffer to decode the signals and they came out looking like this in the serial monitor:

Received 13441 / 15bit Protocol: 2

I tried to duplicate this signal and no luck. Serial monitor put out this:

Received 13441 / 24bit Protocol: 1

I was able to figure out how to change to 15 bit in the codesend.cpp file and how to change the protocol to 2 in the RCSwitch.cpp file. Now I am to the point where the serial monitor puts out the same information whether I use the store bought switch or my homemade version. They look exactly the same, and yet it is still not switching. Range should not be an issue here and I double checked to make sure I am on the right band (315 MHz).

Any thoughts? I sure would appreciate it.

Have you looked at this?
