SdFat Library documentation

I found the SdFat library in the "manage libraries" function of the IDE. I am hoping there is extensive documentation on all of the functionality it offers.

Does someone out there know of a web page or html script created by its originator that explains the use of the library much like Arduino has documented the standard SD library here on line?

Best regards,

Yes, the library comes with extensive documentation.

Do this:

  • File > Examples > SdFat > AnalogBinLogger
  • Sketch > Show sketch folder
  • Navigate up two folder levels to the SdFat folder
  • Open the extras/html folder
  • Open the file index.html in your web browser.

doesn't it have "More info" link in Library Manager?

Yes, it does have a "More info" link. That which leads to the SdFat repository, where you will see the following in the readme:

Please read the html documentation for this library. Start with html/index.html and read the Main Page. Next go to the Classes tab and read the documentation for the classes SdFat, SdFatEX, SdBaseFile, SdFile, File, StdioStream, ifstream, ofstream, and others.

Please continue by reading the html documentation in SdFat/extras/html

You can look at the HTML pages right there on the GitHub but it only displays the source, not the rendered HTML.

OH WOW!. Thanks so much!

You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Enjoy!