Float significant digits on LCD display


from the liquidCrystal.cpp : class LiquidCrystal : public Print

So LCD implements print, and print class supports printing floats - so it should work ...

Rob, I read the print.h. You're right the print now has (float,digit). I wish same has happened to the sprintf float support.

The AVR libc function sprintf() does support floating point. It is the arduino IDE that is the problem.
With the AVR libc as it it currently supplied, you have change the linker option to enable the floating point
version of of the xxprintf() functions.
Currently, there is no way to set the linker options with the official arduino IDE.
There was an old forum post, (which I was unable to locate now )
that gave the patches as well as included a pre build IDE that allowed the compiler and linker options
to be configured in a file. I used it and it was great for changing optimizations and turning on/off warnings.

You could always blow off the IDE and use makefiles.....

Here is the link to the thread I mentioned above:
Using his IDE you can alter compiler and link options.

--- bill