Stopwatch with Pause/Lap  6 digit 7 seg LED. HELP!

Well, keep chugging away. You can add a test in the main display part to skip that set of shiftouts while EEPROM_Reading is high for example, or only allow memory readback while time is not running. I am going out to see a robot competition, keep thinking about what you want to occur & when and how you could make that happen.

Hi Robert, just to let you know I still have our code intact as it was last and I have created another sketch for David.

You can add a test in the main display part to skip that set of shiftouts while EEPROM_Reading is high for example, or only allow memory readback while time is not running.

Not sure how to do this or exactly what you mean?

keep thinking about what you want to occur & when and how you could make that happen

Objective: I would want to be able to go up and down through the lap times that have been saved.
How?: Maybe while the time is running it is not the best time to scroll through the times?? Maybe it would be best to only allow scrolling after the unit has been reset and showing 00:00:00?

I was thinking Robert that when I ran the sketch before it only showed me the last recorded time.. is this because we scrolled 'up' from the highest address meaning we should have started at the first address? Just a thought? :-/