Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Hi Jantje,

everything is working fine so far. Thanks for your fast answers.

Another question: How would I add "Serial" support (talking to my board via predefined serial pins, e.g. for debugging)?

Hardware connection could be simple: At some other place I read that I could connect to my board by opening a SSH session to the appropriate COM port - this sounds plausible, didn't try it yet.

But how about writing the software: How could I use the methods coming along with the "Serial" lib? When using the Arduino IDE, I can simply reference "Serial" without #including anything - seems to be built-in into the Arduino IDE. If I add a line like "Serial.begin(9600);" in Eclipse the compiler complains about not knowing "Serial" - pretty correct from the compiler's view. But do you - or someone else - know what to do to get the standard "Serial" functions running? I looked through all the directories of the Arduino IDE, could not find any .h/.cpp file containing the "Serial" library...

// Klaus