595 display driver code

I have 3 595 shift registers driving a 3 digit, 7 segment display. this is the code I'm using right now to drive everything.
I'm looking for ways to make my program smaller as I'm using 37% of the total space on my Arduino, and I think I might be able to shrink it a bit here. Can anyone recommend a better / more efficient way of doing this?
Note: I'm NOT using the first output pin on each register, just outputs B-H.

Edit: I accidentally a word. Also does using libraries increase code size more the writing your own code?(I'm using the stepper library)

void display(int disp){
	/* This function will take a 3 digit INT and display the number on the 7 segment display */

int num[10] = {254,48,109,121,51,91,95,112,127,115};  // Display bits 0-9

unsigned int dc1;	// 1st display digit
unsigned int dc2;	// 2nd display digit
unsigned int dc3;	// 3rd display digit

String disp_num = String(disp);

dc1 = disp_num[0]-48;  // Subtract 48 to get decimal value - Normally returned as a CHAR
dc2 = disp_num[1]-48;
dc3 = disp_num[2]-48;

digitalWrite(latch_pin, LOW);

shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc1]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc2]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc3]);

digitalWrite(latch_pin, HIGH);

int num[10] = {254,48,109,121,51,91,95,112,127,115};no good reason for that to be an into array.
Cut it down to byte type.

unsigned int dc1;


Post your code.

Here's the full program:
Sorry for the edit: Updated to reflect changes:

#include <arduino.h>
#include <Stepper.h>

/********************** Define Global Variables Here *************************/

Stepper s1(48, 2,3,4,5);
int s1_RPM;

int btn1 = 6;	// Button 1 Pin
int btn2 = 7;	// Button 2 Pin
int adj1 = 3;	// Adjustment 1 input Pin

int btn1v = 0;	// Value for Button 1
int btn2v = 0;	// Value for Button 2

int en = 8;	// Enable pin for SN754410 IC

int clk_pin = 10;	// Pin for 595
int latch_pin = 11;	// Pin for 595
int data_pin = 12;	// Pin for 595

/********************** Custom Functions Here ***********************/

void fwd_rev(int b1, int b2, int RPM, int numstep){
	/* This function controls the forward and reverse of the stepper motor.
	Allows you to define the forward and reverse buttons to use.
	As well as the minimum # of steps per function call the motor will operate at,

	"b1" and "b2" are the values of the buttons controlling the motor.
	"RPM" is self explanatory.
	"numstep " is the minimum number of steps the motor should make as required by the stepper library.  */
	if (b1 ==1 && b2 == 0){
		digitalWrite(en, HIGH);
	if (b1 == 0 && b2 == 1){
		digitalWrite(en, HIGH);
	if(b1 == 0 && b2 == 0){
		digitalWrite(en, LOW);

int adj_dial(int pin, int min, int max){
	/* This function will read from an adjustment pin and return the value read.
	the value is mapped between min and max values */

	int adj_val = 0; // Value for Adj
	int rval;	// Return Value
	adj_val = analogRead(pin);
	rval = map(adj_val, 0, 1023, min, max);
	return rval;

void display(int disp){
	/* This function will take a 3 digit INT and display the number on the 7 segment display */

byte num[10] = {254,48,109,121,51,91,95,112,127,115};  // Display bits 0-9

byte dc1;	// 1st display digit
byte dc2;	// 2nd display digit
byte dc3;	// 3rd display digit

String disp_num = String(disp);

dc1 = disp_num[0]-48;  // Subtract 48 to get decimal value - Normally returned as a CHAR
dc2 = disp_num[1]-48;
dc3 = disp_num[2]-48;

digitalWrite(latch_pin, LOW);

shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc1]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc2]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc3]);

digitalWrite(latch_pin, HIGH);
/****************************** Setup *********************************/
void setup() {
	pinMode(btn1, INPUT);
	pinMode(btn2, INPUT);
	pinMode(en, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(clk_pin, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(latch_pin, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(data_pin, OUTPUT);
	//	Serial.begin(9600);
/******************************** Main Loop ********************************/
void loop() {
	btn1v = digitalRead(btn1);
	btn2v = digitalRead(btn2);
	s1_RPM = adj_dial(adj1, 100, 600);
	fwd_rev(btn1v, btn2v, s1_RPM, 1);

String disp_num = String(disp);

Ditch String - simple arithmetic will save space and probably be more reliable.

int clk_pin = 10;Do you envisage pin numbers bigger than 255?

int adj_val = 0; // Value for Adj
	int rval;	// Return Value
	adj_val = analogRead(pin);

You're about to give it a value, so why waste time and code setting to zero?


String disp_num = String(disp);

Ditch String - simple arithmetic will save space and probably be more reliable.

I'm new to this so that particular solution evades me, could you provide an example?

I'm already down to 28% YAY!, Thanks guys XD

If I give you the number 595, how would you reduce it to its component digits (hundreds, tens, units)?

OK so I'm down to 18% now and I've rid myself of String.
Never new about modulo operator, gonna have to get used to that one I like it.
You make me think AWOL i like that.

Optimized code:

 *	XY_CNC.cpp
 *	Created: 3/2/2013 10:12:18 PM
 *	Author: Adam Bennett
 *	Description: Main Source

#include <arduino.h>
#include <Stepper.h>

/********************** Define Global Variables Here *************************/

Stepper s1(48, 2,3,4,5);
word s1_RPM;

#define btn1 6	// Button 1 Pin
#define btn2 7	// Button 2 Pin
#define adj1 3	// Adjustment 1 input Pin

word btn1v = 0;	// Value for Button 1
word btn2v = 0;	// Value for Button 2

#define en 8	// Enable pin for SN754410 IC

#define clk_pin 10	// Pin for 595
#define latch_pin 11	// Pin for 595
#define data_pin 12	// Pin for 595

/********************** Custom Functions Here ***********************/

void fwd_rev(int b1, int b2, int RPM, int numstep){
	/* This function controls the forward and reverse of the stepper motor.
	Allows you to define the forward and reverse buttons to use.
	As well as the minimum # of steps per function call the motor will operate at,

	"b1" and "b2" are the values of the buttons controlling the motor.
	"RPM" is self explanatory.
	"numstep " is the minimum number of steps the motor should make as required by the stepper library.  */
	if (b1 == 1 && b2 == 0){
		digitalWrite(en, HIGH);
	if (b1 == 0 && b2 == 1){
		digitalWrite(en, HIGH);
	if(b1 == 0 && b2 == 0){
		digitalWrite(en, LOW);

int adj_dial(int pin, int min, int max){
	/* This function will read from an adjustment pin and return the value read.
	the value is mapped between min and max values */

	int rval;	// Return Value
	int adj_val = analogRead(pin);
	rval = map(adj_val, 0, 1023, min, max);
	return rval;

void display(int disp){
	/* This function will take a 3 digit INT and display the number on the 7 segment display */

byte num[10] = {254,48,109,121,51,91,95,112,127,115};  // Display bits 0-9

word ones = disp % 10; 
word tens = (disp - ones) % 100;
word hund = (disp - tens - ones) % 1000;

byte dc1 = ones;
byte dc2 = tens / 10;
byte dc3 = hund / 100;

digitalWrite(latch_pin, LOW);

shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc3]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc2]);
shiftOut(data_pin, clk_pin, LSBFIRST, num[dc1]);

digitalWrite(latch_pin, HIGH);
/****************************** Setup *********************************/
void setup() {
	pinMode(btn1, INPUT);
	pinMode(btn2, INPUT);
	pinMode(en, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(clk_pin, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(latch_pin, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(data_pin, OUTPUT);
	//	Serial.begin(9600);
/******************************** Main Loop ********************************/
void loop() {
	btn1v = digitalRead(btn1);
	btn2v = digitalRead(btn2);
	s1_RPM = adj_dial(adj1, 100, 600);
	fwd_rev(btn1v, btn2v, s1_RPM, 1);

You make me think AWOL i like that.

Thank you - you've made my day, and probably my week. :smiley: