MEGA 2560 and USBASP Bug ?

I have the following problem with the usbasp programmer (latest usbasp firmware 2011-05-28, avrdude 5.1):
Programming works well, but reading flash has probably a bug: in the hexfile the bootloader appears twice: at the end of the first 128k and at the end of 256k. the program (which is at the beginning of address space in flash of course) cannot be seen at all !
Can someone verify this ?

Edit: This results in a verify error after programming; while programming itself is physicly correct.

Edit: This results in a verify error after programming; while programming itself is physicly correct.

Verified. Was told this is a know bug and to ignore it. Only the Arduino IDE does this, as you observed. I use Nick's programmer for most things worthy of bootloading these days :wink: