Arduino Uno with Wifi_shield and Webserver issue

I've finally come to the point where I am well and truly stuck and require any assistance possible.

I've scrounged the following sketch from the web here Arduino Inputs using Ajax with XML on Arduino Web Server
and have managed to get it working to a point.

The shield connects properly and serves the page (although a little slow for my liking).
Upon viewing the serial output, I see that the webpage sends a request to the Arduino every second and this is fine until you start clicking things...

Then, it all stops responding and I just can't figure out why.
Any assistance would be fantastic.

I've attached the Sketch and webpage below.

index.htm (5.09 KB)

Webserver_Testing.ino (8.77 KB)

I think I figured it out!!!

I reckon the Arduino wasn't having enough time to reply to the webpage's 1 second requests so I changed the timeout to 5 seconds and now it seems stable!