ITDB02 TFT LCD module is not sensing touch

currently im having a about same setup on a personal project

i started with

The touch/screen worked fine and had run an SD read/test seeing the sd card fine
i was using something like

UTFT myGLCD(ITDB28,19,18,17,16); //UTFT(Model, RS, WR, CS, RST);
ITDB02_Touch myTouch(15,10,14,9,8); // ITDB02_Touch(TCLK, TCS, TDIN, TDOUT, IRQ);

then moved due to lack of pins to further evolve my project to

Touch didnt work either for me in this setup.
only after a PORT redirection hack i managed to get touch+screen working but
this might have had an impact to my other pins (still investigating that)
the port involved putting the ITBD02 uno sheild on the mega
as my mega shield is either broken or im missing something to get it work
as supposed to be.

in this setup i initialized with
//UTFT myGLCD(ILI9325D_8,A5,A4,A3,A2); //Screen initialization
//UTouch myTouch(A1,8,A0,9,10); //Touch initialization

due to the hack library.

Touch and screen work flawlessly but having trouble putting
all my extra to continue (LDP8806 and skm53 gps)