8x8x8 multiplexed LED cube with an Arduino Mega 2560

Back to the TPIC6B595... CrossRoads, you laid it out so nicely for me, I just hate to waste that information, so I'm back to it again :slight_smile: Looking at the diagram, the following additional questions have come up:

  1. Should all GNDs be connected together (The GND of the Arduino, the GDN of the TPIC6B595s, etc.)?
  2. What kind of resistors should be used?
  3. What kind of capacitors should be used?
  4. You recommended NDP6020P MOSFETS for the transistors. In their datasheet the leggs of the NDP6020P are marked G,D,S. Which of these leggs go where in the diagram?
  5. You wrote that if the software multiplexing turned each layer on for 4ms, it would lead to a refresh rate of 30 fps. Do you think that's good enough for the human eye?
  6. You wrote that dimming could be achieved by connecting to PWM pins on the Arduino. But connecting what to the PWM pins?

Sorry if I'm asking the obvious again...