[MOD] Arduino Enhanced Release 1.0.5 for Windows (installer, drivers, etc) +SRC

Hello, this is a tweaked Arduino IDE, hope you enjoy it! If it works for you please leave a comment.

Nice work!

I added a button to my IDE that you may be interested in:

It's a "Reload and Upload" button.

Since I use an external editor, it was a pain to have to click "Open", then re-select my filename, then click "Upload" again to test the code. So, my new button automatically reloads, then compiles and uploads the sketch.

Now all I have to do is edit, then click my new button.

The new button REPLACES the "New" button ONLY if "Use external editor" is checked. This keeps the IDE layout looking the same, except that the "New" button is now a "soft" button that changes function (and appearance) depending on if "Use external editor" is checked or not.

Since my mod only changes "EditorToolbar.class", I can unzip the "pde.jar" file, replace the "EditorToolbar" class, then re-zip it and it works.

I'll post the code if you're interested (it's only a few extra lines of code and a modified "buttons.gif" file).

Here's how it looks:

-- Roger