Common Lisp cross compiler

Thanks for the comments. This is my first open source project. The files can be downloaded from the svn link. There is a tarball of the folders needed. I will work on more comments. If you would like to try out the software, put the folders on your system where asdf can find them. Use asdf to load the file arduino-lisp.asd from the arduino-lisp folder. Then do a (in-package :arduino-lisp) to finish loading. To try it out the examples, load the test file arduino-lisp-tests.lisp. This will create a few sample sources. To run the compiler on a sample source (i.e. blink) type (arduino-compile blink). This will create a text file in the root folder called arduino-c++.txt. You can copy and paste the contents into the arduino ide to compile the C++ source.
In my testing I created lisp sources for all the basic examples that come with the Arduino ide. I have all of them working. I also started working on other Arduino examples like the servo one. As of now this compiler works on a sub set of Lisp. I am working on expanding the usefulness of the compiler. Any other comments or thoughts are very welcome. If anyone wants to help, that would be great.
