ATtiny85 Pin Change Interrupt Problem

If you only have one then by definition the interrupt comes form that pin and there's no need to figure anything

Bah! Where's the fun in that!


The ability to detect rising and falling would be great too!

Call attachPcInterrupt in exactly the same fashion as attachInterrupt (LEVEL interrupts are not supported)...

void Rising( void )
  digitalWrite( 2, ! digitalRead( 2 ) );

void setup( void )
  attachPcInterrupt( 1, Rising, RISING );

The code is available here...

The readme.txt file is very sparse. I simply don't have time to write up install / usage instructions. If you get stuck, ask here for help.

The serial sounds interesting

Some instruction here (I'll try to get 16 MHz support published this weekend)...

Good luck and please let me know how you make out!