I'm out of memory? Is the next thing up the Mega644P?


You can figure it out for yourself. Look in the libraries and various include files.......

If you really want education, go read some of those interminable threads, where people
were scratching their heads for weeks, trying to get this stuff to work,
Help in programming the Atmega1284 with maniacbug-mighty-1284p. - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum
Boards with 1284p - full swing oscillator setting - solving upload issues? - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum
funny A/D channel readings with Bobuino-1284 ??? - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum
ATmega1284P: End to End using 1.0 IDE - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum
Issue with Mighty 1284P Optiboot bootloader on STK500 - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum

This is fantastic information! Thanks!

I also wrote up a page discussing my fixes and experiences,