10 servos, 10 potentiometers, issues

I'm trying to control 10 servos with 10 5K potentiometers each with assigned to each other and able to move independently (or physically appearing to do so).

The megaservo example looks similar to what Alpha posted, but that just moves multiple servos with one potentiometer

The MegaServo example reads one pot and uses that value to control all the servos. AlhpaBeta's post shows how to change it so that a different pot can be used for of each servo.

Here is the full sketch with that change:

#include <Servo.h>
#define NBR_SERVOS 10      // the number of servos
#define FIRST_SERVO_PIN 2  // this first of consecutive digital pins used for servos

Servo Servos[NBR_SERVOS] ; // an array of servo objects

void setup()
  // attach all 10 servos to digital pins starting from 2
  for( int i =0; i < NBR_SERVOS; i++)
    Servos[i].attach( FIRST_SERVO_PIN +i, 800, 2200);
void loop()
int pos = 0;      // variable to store the servo position 

  for( int i =0; i <NBR_SERVOS; i++) 
    pos = analogRead(i);   // read a value from pins 0 to 9
    Servos[i].write( map(pos, 0,1023,0,180)); // and write the value to the servo  