HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request from Cosm website

i have been trying to post data on my cosm feed but i keep getting the below mentioned error. I have given below the commands that I am sending. Does any body has an idea whats the thing wrong in my line of commands ?

And my guess was that the user agent is the device name we give in cosm. when i added this, i started getting the bad request error. Before this, without adding the user agent part, i was getting the unauthorized error.

Please help

PUT /v2/feeds/62521.csv HTTP/1.1
X-ApiKey: 4HaJl25MfMGEb9g2khkjhujhk9leaSAKxCNl
User-Agent: Arduino
Content-Length: 12
Connection: close

This is a post

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Definitely there is something left out in your code ,may be letting us view whole code may make us catch the culprit

This is a post

Wrong, this is a PUT. And that's probably the problem. I don't know COSM but it seems they don't accept PUT requests. Try using

telnet 80

and write the same stuff as you have above, you'll get the same answer. Try modifying the request till you have a working request structure. Then implement it into Arduino software.

rightly said by pylon try it

I haven't used the csv interface to COSM - I use the JSON one, but it looks to me like the data you are sending in the PUT request (Yes, COSM does support PUT) is invalid.

Have you tried looking at the debug information on your cosm account? (select your username in top-right, then select debug). You can see the requests coming in live as they are made and should give you more information.

Also, try looking at the existing csv feed file (do a GET on the same URI), and copying the format of the data exactly.

Btw: my solar charger cosm feed: - data pushed direct from an UNO using a home-made ENC28J60 ethernet shield.

I have been able to post the some data on the cosm. I changed the text given in the previous post "This is a post" to "Awake ," and it started to post the data. I am not sure but i guess it has something to do with the content length.

Can you please elaborate to me how this content length works and if i need to send the variable such as float or double after the string what I need to do.

Plus i checked out your solar charger feed and its really cool. You have done a great job. I need to post some voltage data. How have you drawn the graphs. Is there a way to fetch variable data from the string or data that is being posted.

I have been able to post the some data on the cosm. I changed the text given in the previous post "This is a post" to "Awake ," and it started to post the data. I am not sure but i guess it has something to do with the content length.

Can you please elaborate to me how this content length works and if i need to send the variable such as float or double after the string what I need to do.

The content-length is the total number of characters in the body of the post. This includes any line-feeds and carriage-returns.

Plus i checked out your solar charger feed and its really cool. You have done a great job. I need to post some voltage data. How have you drawn the graphs. Is there a way to fetch variable data from the string or data that is being posted.

Cosm draws the graphs - that is the purpose of it. You send data, it graphs it.

If i send a string of characters and a float number, then how should i check the value for content length. I mean how many characters does the float variable represent ?

Secondly I want to make a graph that counts the time a particular feed is received. But I am unable to find a way to count the feed and plot the graph. Can u give me any link to a tutorial or provide any clue ?

Thanks a lot for the help.

Do you know how to get the volts value out of the feed and use it in the graph

If i send a string of characters and a float number, then how should i check the value for content length. I mean how many characters does the float variable represent ?

I have no idea - the ethernet library I use calculates it all automatically and adds all the relevent headers for me. Without knowing how you are making the connection, and with what libraries, I can't say.

Secondly I want to make a graph that counts the time a particular feed is received. But I am unable to find a way to count the feed and plot the graph. Can u give me any link to a tutorial or provide any clue ?

Thanks a lot for the help.

Do you know how to get the volts value out of the feed and use it in the graph

Sorry, I am a newbie to cosm too. I just send data from my Arduino and graphs appear.

the problem is that you are making a PUT request using the wrong data format for cosm - looks like you are using the old data format (from the v1 api, it's now v2). the second data you sent ('awake ,') looks like the v2 data format but it isn't quite right either, because it should be in the form 'datastream_id, value' (assuming you want 'awake' to be your value not '').

this is in the documentation here: (click "CSV") and you'll see the correct data format.

by the way you left your API key in your forum post - this is a mistake! remember your API key is like a password to your data so you should delete the key since it's now public and could be used maliciously (look for the 'Keys' link in the menu in your user bar in the top right hand corner).

by the way you might find this library useful since it takes care of all the content length etc and communicating with cosm servers for you:

I'm using the following for and it seems to work.
I haven't tested for version 2 yet.

uint8 ip[] = {216,52,233,121};
char hostName[] = "\nX-PachubeApiKey: "Your key here"\nConnection: close";
char url[] = "/v1/feeds/58529.csv?_method=put";
POSTrequest postPachube(ip, 80, hostName, url, feedData);