Problem with allignment of LCD


Hope you can help me out!

You will have to help us out a bit first.

We have to know what type of LCD you are dealing with.

We have to know what program code you are using.

We have to know how your LCD is interfaced with your Arduino.


It's a 1602a LCD, it doesn't say more on the lcd.

Here is my code:

lcdSetup - Guy
Basic setup for a LiquidCrystal display


RS = 12
RW = 11
E  = 10
D4 = 6
D5 = 7
D6 = 8
D7 = 9

A = 5V   (+)
K = GND  (-)

VDD = 5V  (+)
VSS = GND (-)
V0 = PotMeter Middle Pin

Right Pin = 5V  (+) 
Left Pin  = GND (-)

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Include the LiquidCrystal library

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 6, 7, 8, 9); //Setting a LiquidCrystal as 'lcd' 
void setup() 
  lcd.clear(); //Clear the display
  lcd.begin(16,2); //Define the Length and Rows

void loop() 
  lcd.print("Hello forums!");
  lcd.print("Pixels MESS up");

Here is a pic of the setup:

Note: This is a slightly different pin allignment then I now use. But it did the same thing.

I also tried using all data pins, didn't change anything.