Lack of SRAM memory

I realize that i have a problem using

sprintf(ficheiroLer,"%s.csv", noMes[carmes - '0' + 1]);

because i have 12 log files -> one for each month <- and i'm expecting to receive &logg1 (for Jan), &logg2 (for Feb) ... until &logg9 (for Sep) and because i'm looking only to position 10:

char carMes = clientline[10];

i've put &loggo (for Oct), &loggn (for Nov) and &loggd (for December). So that function will not work for the last 3 months.
It's possible to do something like char carMes be equal to position 10 and 11 of clientline and then naming &logg from 01 to 12 for this function to work?