Servo position value, can it be real number?

As the topic says, can a value of a Servo position be a real number like 43.5 and not integer??


I didn't know where to post this question, whether here or at "motors" part of the arduino forum. Thanks!

A floating point argument will simply be truncated.


If you need finer control, you can use the writeMicroseconds method.
However, asking for fractional degree accuracy of an R/C servo may be asking a bit much.

A floating point argument will simply be truncated.

You might add 0.5 to get proper rounding

float angle = 43.4;
myservo.write(angle + 0.5); ==> 43 degrees

float angle = 43.6;
myservo.write(angle + 0.5); ==> 44 degrees

Thanks guys.