Sketch upload fails after installing AVR boards update

This morning the IDE (1.6.8 ) popped up a window suggesting that I install AVR boards update. I allowed it, and now the sketch compiles, but fails to upload to my Mega2560 R3, with the message to the tune:

avrdude: no programmer specified...

Anyone having an idea what have I done wrong, and/or how to get the IDE to upload sketches again?

Never mind. In the middle of a project, and desperate to have the IDE working again, I've updated the IDE to 1.6.10, hoping that would help, and, indeed, the sketches upload again.

Go to 1.6.9, 1.6.8 has problems with the serial ports causing board resets.
Or maybe 1.6.10, came out pretty recently.

I type too slow it seems! Glad you're back on the air.